I'm coming back, I promise!

I know it's been crazy and I do feel like stuff is FINALLY going back to normal (I'm afraid to say that actually, every time I do things go nuts) I miss you guys, I miss the blog, and I have ten million ideas on where I want the story to go.

So, what's holding me back? My husband - ha ha. My word is still busted. He was going to fix it before all hell broke lose with the kids getting sick. Now he wants to wait to fix it - we're getting a new laptop (the laptop we have we're renting, and we can get a new laptop that's just as nice for less than the pay off on this one. I'd rather just keep this one - it's got all my stuff on it. But hubby wants a new one, and it's not like we'd pay more. Oooooh Boys and their toys, eh?) Anyway, long story short, he doesn't see a point in fixing word on here when we'll just be getting a new laptop.

We're supposed to get our tax money within the next week. Keep your fingers crossed that it's sooner. Hubby has the laptop he wants picked out, so as soon as we get the money he's going to get it and we'll be back.

I am coming back! Don't give up on me yet!


Thanks for the update. Good to hear things are turning around. It'll be interesting to see if you do a summary of events or just pick up where you left off. It was such a cliffhanger. mum


How long ago was this posted? A month? I know you have a lot going on but are you really coming back?