I'm back! Kinda, lol. I've been MIA and have only skimmed a few emails (I slacked these last couple weeks in school so when I realized it was finals weeks I was like OH CRAP! One of my classes I didn't do great on the final but I had a really awesome grade in the class, so I still managed to get an A in the class, the other class I was average all the way through, so I think I have a B, and I don't want to talk about my third class - math. I'll be meeting the one again next quarter.)

I saw one suggestion to poll you guys and see where you would like to see the blog go - that is an awesome idea, and one I didn't think of! I read a few comments after that, but honestly I don't think I've been in my email for two days, so I'm a little afraid to go back (not just because I'm afraid some mean comments might be there - which I kind of am - but also because I'm sure there's 5 billion emails waiting me. So. Much. Junk.)

So... If I ended the blog today - what would you be pissed off that didn't get finished?

Some of the things I saw were:
What happens to Matt and Jason? (I may not be answering the Matt question - if I do another blog, he might be in it, so I don't want to spoil anything)
What's up with Ella's Mom?
What about Santana and the girls?

Anything else? I'll poll you through the weekend and then take a look at Sunday night - hopefully it inspires a post to go up that night or Monday :-)


I want see something more final happen with Ella and Drew. I know they are back together but they are still taking it slow. I would to see an engagement, wedding, or even them moving in together. Just something that seems more final. Also I want to see Ella get a permeant job. Everything else was already listed.


All of the above-and below!! As long as story lines get wrapped up so we are not left wondering would be great but with your talent I think you would have done a good job with that.

And what is this about " i MIGHT do another blog".....you really need to leave the might out of that statement!!


I'm loving the flash forward idea. You could start a couple years after this, that way you could wrap up where Drew and Ella's relationship went, her job situation, what has happened to the guys and the rest of Ella's friends. It would also give you something to expand on if you do a blog about Matt. Focus on filling in the blanks of the past two years for him, and then move into the future past him just trying to get over Ella. PLEASE do another blog! We love your writing, we know you have a lot going on so your loyal readers will understand if you aren't posting on a regular basis. Just write when you enjoy it and have the time! Anyone else that complains, meh, who needs em?! ;)


I think ending it right where it is actually works. There is no cliffhanger at the moment and really you can't have everything wrap up neatly... when is the last time you read a book or watched a movie that you we're left wondering even a little what is going to happen to some of the characters?
My vote would be end it now! Especially since you were thinking of doing a spin off blog, this would give you and us the opportunity to see what happens to some people without writing yourself into a corner.


I would like to see something permanent for Ella and Drew and I'd like to see Ella's job prospects work out, and nicely wrap up the Colorado situation. I'm not invested in Jason, Nick(?) and Toni, Matt, or most of the other characters. So, I'm okay with not knowing what happens with them. Jason could just fall off a cliff for all I cared about him...lol.
But, if you ended the blog today, I'd have to say it was a great story and had a satisfying ending.


If you never ever write another post on this particular blog, in my mind, it will have ended with your 2/7(?) post "Part TWO" when Ella & Drew are all alone hanging out (b/c Matt cancelled her little party) and they kiss at the very end of the post and "the world was perfect." Cue cheesy music, roll the credits. And I will be perfectly happy with that as the ending of the blog.

If you really do want to write a concluding post (or two or three), I'd like to know:

(1) What happens with the job situation? Colorado? The agency? Even two sentences uttered by Ella in the middle of a conversation would be enough to just let us know whether she went back to Colorado (and whether she stayed there long term) and whether the agency had to shut down. It might also be nice (but certainly not necessary) to find out whether she and Santana were able to get over their differences and come to respect each other (it certainly seemed that they were heading in this direction) & how some of the girls turned out (whether they were "reformed" or ended up in trouble as they grew up). Given Ella's love of working with inner city youth, maybe we could even see her fostering or adopting one or two of the kids from her work in CO or at the agency!

(2) How does the Ella-Drewbie-Jason love triangle conclude? Can they all be friends again, albeit with obviously a different dynamic in post-drama adulthood than in their best-friends-on-a-farm childhood? Or does Drewbie & Ella ending up together mean Jason will inevitably fade out of their lives? I've been reading "Apathy" since you alternated between the "current" posts and "flashback" posts, so Jason has always seemed very central to the blog even when he wasn't actually *in* the blog. Like Drew said (last year?), Jason will always be there.

Like Babsie, I don't really care too much about the other characters. Girl-from-the-gym is too new, and Toni (whom I love) seems to have been demoted from "minor character" to "recurring guest" over the last year or so, so I don't mind not hearing any more about her. And in your recent posts about Ella's mom, I keep picturing K's mom from the Bedroom Blog every time I try to remember anything about her! While it might be an interesting direction to pursue the blog if you keep it up, I don't think she needs to be included in a "conclusion."


I would love a sex scene w/ Ella and Drew!


LOL Anon 3. Get straight to it don't you? Whatever is right for you is all right with me. I just want Ella and Drew together.


I agree with Dani LeAnna, I just want to see them together. I'm rooting for another blog. I love your writing.


if you don't have time to write this blog, why are you going to write another one?


Well, B. That's why I said IF - I've written about it before. I do have an idea for another blog, I do enjoy writing, but as I've said previously, I don't want to worry about having to update, or disappearing because I don't have time.

I'm halfway done with this weeks post, and then I'm planning on writing a giant post. I hope you all are having an awesome week, it's been gorgeous weather!


I love love love the idea of a future post. I don't care if most books & movies don't wrap everything up nicely. That's the part I hate most about them! LOL I fyou have the time and a direction, it would be awesome to see. I also hope you are able to do another blog! :)


If you love God
and love everyone else
[Romans 10:10],
we shouldnt have a problem
meeting in Seventh-Heaven.
God bless your indelible soul.