Post will be up either late tonight or early tomorrow - I apologize. I think for the rest of this month I'm going to TRY to get posts up on Monday, but will only PROMISE to get posts up once a week - my sister's wedding is the 26th, so we're now less than 2 weeks away, and to say things are crazy is an understatement. Then, this weekend on top of wedding stuff, I had a baby shower to go too. I had planned to write this morning and post tonight, but I totally forgot my husband had his surgery scheduled for today (He got an impacted wisdom tooth out) so he's out of it, and I'll have to wait until the boys go to bed. I also start school at the end of the month, so I've had to do some stuff with that.
Again, sorry!
Breaking the Surface
10 years ago
Thanks for letting us know, I hope it is tonight I can't wait to hear what happens:)
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