Post up later today

I've decided to post tonight, but later. Maybe even after midnight so it's technically Saturday, I figure that way we can compromise and kind of keep on schedule. If I get tired and don't think I'm gonna make it to midnight (these past couple days I've been getting really bad headaches at night and the only way they go away is if I sleep, so.) then I'll post before then. I'm also hoping that since I'll have the afternoon baby free (he's going to Grandma's for the night.) I'll be able to catch up some. Since I've been going to bed early I haven't had as much time to write.

Also, I know a lot of you don't post comments, and we haven't really had a lot of issues with comments, but I wanted to kinda set some ground rules in case we do.

I have no issues with people stating their opinions/personal experiences in the comments. If you can relate to something going on with Ella or one of the other people, feel free to share. If you think something I write is not good, or unbelievable, or you don't like the way Ella or someone else acted, feel free to share. I don't have an issue with being criticized or anything like that, I actually like it, as it'll help me improve. However, what I don't like is when people argue (there is a difference between arguing and debating or discussing.), tell other people their opinion is wrong (there's nothing wrong with disagreeing with someone else's opinions, but an opinion can't be wrong.) Or name call. Name calling is not criticizing, it's being mean.

Again, I haven't had any issues, but have noticed issues on a few other blogs I read, and I just wanted to get that out there BEFORE we have an issue. Again, if you have a criticism for me, I'm all ears. I'm even more ears if you have praise. I won't delete ANY comments unless they are outright mean (and again, telling me you don't like the way I do something isn't what I'd consider mean.)

Just wanted to say that.


Yeah, I read some other blogs, and lately a lot of people have been getting kind

I'm glad you decided to put this up. :]


ha ha, well. I dunno if we're talking about the same blog or not. I'm not going to name names, but I do know a lot of us run in the same... "circles" so to speak. But, it's my opinion that people should be able to voice their opinions. If I'm posting too much, not enough, if something I wrote seems unrealistic, if you like it, don't like it, whatever, i think you should be able to say that. I can't say I'll agree, or that I'll change anything, but you should at least be allowed to voice it. And, I think, personally, if you don't want to hear what people have to say (which means hearing good things AND bad things) then you should either take down your blog or disable comments. You can't ask what people think and then get mad when they're honest, ya know? Just my two cents.


i think that the end of summer is making people a little antsy and even a little bit mean. glad to see it hasn't reached this blog.