Look for a post either tomorrow, Friday, or Sunday. We had a plumbing issue so my husband had to switch his days off and it really threw off my schedule. My sister is taking my older son for the night tomorrow so I may be able to get something up either tomorrow, Friday before he comes home during Eli's nap, or Sunday when he's home all day.
ETA: Remember when I said cursed? Yeah. It strikes again. Eli was in the ER last week because he had a nasty case of croup that we could not get to calm down. He's home, he's better, the post is *almost* done (I usually write 2.5 pages, it's almost to two) Unless tomorrow is a total trainwreck, look for it tomorrow afternoon.
Breaking the Surface
10 years ago
you said latest sunday for a post, which is fine, but, your eta says look for it today. my only issue is.. there are no dates on the posts, just times. is there any way to put dates so i know what days youre talking about? because unless like this post you say look for it friday or sunday, i have no idea what day to expect a post when you just say "tomorrow" especially if like now, babies get sick(:( ) and it takes a couple days. i dont mind waiting at all, but id love to know when the posts are dated if possible? just so i know whats going on? thank you if you can. dont mean to complain, just dont know when youre posting without dates:) hope the croup is under control and no one else gets it. poor little guy:(.
KBear, hover over the timestamp to see the posting date
I don't think the timestamp updates when Laura updates her post though. I think it keeps the original timestamp on it.
Sorry guys! I didn't realize (and don't know why) it's not updating with the date. I'm going to play with my settings to see if I can fix it, but it might be an issue with the template I use, and I just don't have time to change that (I have to search and find one I like and then usually it doesn't work right because I'm html stupid, so I have to play with it, lol) Until I can fix it, I'll try to remember to post the date at the beginning of my post. But there is a new post up now! :-D
Don't worry Laura, I work in IT and I am still HTML stupid. :-D Haha!
It had better be Drew. Not Matt, Not Seth, Not Jason. But Drew! So looking forward to the next post. mum
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