

To be honest, I wasn't going to post today. I feel worse than I did yesterday and I'm still sad and pissed off and stressed. But you guys have left such nice comments, and really, it's not your fault. Whenever I've had rough times, you all have been very supportive, and I know I keep saying it, but I REALLY appreciate it. I know a lot of blogs have had issues with dramatic readers, so either I'm doing something right, or I just managed to snag the best readers, cuz I can't say it enough, you guys are just so supportive and amazing.

The thing with my Mom's house being broken into... She did file a police report. She doesn't have renters insurance. I just really want her to move the hell away from there. She personally lives in a nice neighborhood. Her neighbors are nice and friendly, and they obviously watch out for each other, it was after all my Mom's neighbor who called and told her she saw someone on her porch (and no, I don't think this woman is the one who stole from my Mom. She's like, 800 years old.) But the set up is weird. One block up is Parson's Avenue, a not nice area where my sister and I were flashed and my brother was jumped and mugged. One block over though, is German Village. A really nice, affluent neighborhood.

I just keep trying to tell myself that whoever took those presents must have really needed them. But, like someone else said, it still doesn't make it OK. My Mom has had her share of "down on her luck" times. We used to live in the bottoms, which is a really not nice area. The crackhead who lived behind us tried to steal our boxed air conditioner out of the window while it was running. There was a time when my Mom couldn't afford to feed us anything other than hotdogs (I don't remember it, but my Mom sure does. She cries whenever she tells the story, thanking God that we loved hot dogs) I'm not telling you this so you can feel sorry for me, we got out, we were lucky, but to let you know, my Mom has been there. And she's NEVER stolen from anyone else to get out. She busted her ass, put herself through nursing school while taking care of 3 young kids, and got out. She never stole. Never.

Last year Jeremy and I had each been through surgeries, we had a new baby, we were broke and we were tired. We couldn't afford to give each other or anyone else gifts. But, we didn't steal. I know at least we were lucky in the sense that the adults understood why we weren't giving gifts, and Cayden was too little to realize he wasn't getting anything other than the necessities (diapers. Formula. Bottles.) I know it's got to be hard to have a child who expects Christmas and not be able to give it to them, but I still would not steal from someone else's child to give to my own. I would honestly take Cayden to where people have less than we do, a homeless shelter or soup kitchen, to volunteer, so he could see and be grateful for all we do have.

Anyway, we're still lucky that Cayden doesn't really know what's going on. And we really did get him a lot of stuff. It just hurts me the most because my Mom is so disappointed. However, my husband, bless his heart, went out to Toys R Us this morning at 6 AM and managed to get another zhu zhu pet and accessory. My Mom about cried when I called to let her know that we had it. We found another sit and spin at the thrift store, and got it for her to give to him, we found a ball pit on craigslist that we're going to pick up, and my cousin is going to buy a new Chuck the talking truck and give it to my Mom as her Christmas present, so my Mom can give it to Cayden.

I really do appreciate the suggestion to add my paypal account to here. Right now, I think we've managed to have most of it under control. I would ask that if you have some extra money, and you want to give it, go buy a toy for toys for tots or something. There's still time to donate to them. However, if you all don't mind, I may add my pay pal account after Christmas. I don't want anyone to think that they HAVE to give me money or anything, I realize times are hard for everyone, and I would never put this site up for paying people only. But, times are rough for everyone, being a stay at home Mom doesn't pay well, and as I said before, it looks like my summer camp job will not be happening this year. So if people don't mind (and don't feel pressured into paying) I will post it.

And I'm sorry for not titling the last post. I don't really feel well (although I obviously felt well enough to sit here and type all this out. Geesh I hadn't realized it got so long!) to search for a song lyric, my brain is full of crud right now. Hopefully tomorrow's post will be up on time. It's only halfway done, so I'm hoping to suck it up and bang it out and then take the weekend to rest up and shake this cold off.

And again, everyone, thank you SO much for your kind words and everything. I hope you all have a very happy Holiday season.


Laura, as far as I'm concerned, please don't worry about posting if you don't feel up for it. Your family is going through a hard time. I think you are awesome for being so thoughtful of us, but I don't think anyone will mind if you take some time off the blog to take care of yourself and your loved ones. Of course, that doesn't mean I'm not dying to know what happens next in the story! Heehee!