One hand on the trigger of a telephone

I didn’t really feel like calling my Mom. I didn’t mind asking her what to bring for Thanksgiving, but I wasn’t looking forward to telling her that Drew and I were dating.

Mom and I had a pretty good relationship, I guess. She wasn’t the type of Mom who pushed me into dating and marriage and all that, at least not yet she hadn’t. We had our moments where we fought, what child and parent didn’t? But for the most part, we were good. It’s just that… I hated discussing my personal life with her. I don’t know why, she never judged me, never pushed me, never really did anything. But discussing who I was dating with her just made me a little embarrassed for some reason. Especially now it that it was Drew, I wasn’t sure how she would respond. I knew she loved Drew, I knew she thought he was a good guy. She had made a few comments before, wondering why someone hadn’t snapped him up. It was her only push in the direction of Drew, telling me what a great guy he was. I considered waiting until we showed up, but I also didn’t want her to make a big deal of us being together. I could never really predict how she was going to react to something. One time, while playing yahtzee with me, my cousin, my cousin’s boyfriend, and one of my friends, my Mom got a yahtzee and screamed hot damn and danced around the room. She embarrassed my cousin so badly, my cousin left in tears. Another time though, she won five hundred dollars on a scratch off lottery ticket, and barely made a peep. If we just showed, there was a chance she’d say nothing, or a chance that she’d run around the house, yelling our coupledom status to everyone and planning our wedding.

I needed to call her.

I also needed to find out if there was anything I could bring, and make sure if I brought Drew, and possibly Matt. I was still angry at him, but the thought of anyone spending Thanksgiving alone made me feel bad. I had such a guilt complex.

I waited, catching up on paperwork and busy work until a decent hour when I knew my Mom would be fully awake. I took a deep breath and picked up the phone and called her cell phone.

“Hello?” She answered.

“Hi Mom.”

I waited for her to speak. She didn’t.

“Momma?” I asked, wondering if we had lost connection.

“Why, it can’t be. Ella? Is that you? My long lost daughter who I haven’t heard from in such a long time?”

“Funny, Mom. You know how it gets around here when it’s the holiday season. We’ve been crunched for time.” It was a half truth. She didn’t need to know the drama with Jason. And Holidays were busy, with Thanksgiving dinner for the community, and toy drives and such.

“I know, I know. But seriously, El, Daddy and I were about to send out the search party!”

“Well the phone works in both ways Mom.” I shot back.

“Do we get blessed with a visit for Thanksgiving?” She asked.

“That’s what I was calling about. What can I bring?”

“Nothing. It’s all covered.” My Mom said. She said this every year. My Mom liked to do all the cooking, and then complain about how she had to do all the cooking later.

“Well, is it OK if I bring some extra guests?” I asked, tapping my pen against my desk.

“Sure, sure. We always have plenty of room. Who’s coming.”

“Well, possibly some co-workers. We have some interns and since the free dinner’s on Friday this year, I’m not sure if they’ll be able to go home and make it back in time to work. And then, Drew’s coming…” I trailed off, waiting for her reaction.

“Well, you know Drew’s always welcome. You don’t even have to ask about him.” Mom answered. “Will he be bringing anyone?”

“Well. No.”

“So no girlfriend?” She asked.

“Well. Mom. He has a girlfriend.” I answered, carefully. I was nervous, and I had no idea why.

“Finally!” She yelled, clapping her hands together. “Have you met her? Is she nice?”

“Well, I think she’s fantastic.” I said, smiling.

“How long have they been together?”

“Not long. They’ve known each other for awhile though.”

“Well, what’s her name?”

“Me. Mom. Drew and I are together.”

Again, silence.

“Mom?” I asked, wondering about our connection again.

“Oh Ella. That’s… Great.” She finished. She didn’t sound like it was great. I suddenly felt a little wounded. I knew she thought the world of Drew, so did she think that I was the one who didn’t deserve him?

“What, Mom?” I asked, setting down my pen.

“What do you mean, what?” She asked.

“The tone. What’s with the tone?”

“Nothing. I think it’s wonderful that you and Drew are together. I can’t wait to see you guys on Thursday.”

“Right.” I said, not wanting to push it. “So. Two sound good? Or do you want me there earlier to help?”

“Two’s fine honey. I’ll see you then.”

“Yeah. Bye Mom.” I answered, hanging up the phone.

I had been in a better mood once I read Drew’s email and realized I would be seeing him in a few days, but talking to my Mom had put me right back in the foul mood that I had walked into work with. I don’t know what her deal was. I had expected her to at least be supportive, if not excited, and instead she sounded disappointed. I didn’t get it.

I did suck it up and fire out a mass email to everyone in the office, Matt including, inviting anyone who didn’t have a place to go to my parent’s house. I felt a little better after that, knowing that I wouldn’t be having turkey with a side of guilt.

I had been worried about bumping into Matt, but with all the catch up work I had to do, plus all the prep work we needed to get down for our free Thanksgiving community dinner on Friday, I didn’t have time to be worried. I was either shut up in my office doing paperwork, or in the kitchen prepping pans of food to be cooked later. I saw him a couple of times, but he had a lot of grunt work to do. Pulling out the decorations, unloading food donations, and when the afterschool kids got there, he was in charge of keeping them occupied with a giant game of kickball while the rest of us continued to prep dinner.

Finally, it was quitting time. I opted to stay and work on more paperwork, hoping to catch up enough that I wouldn’t have to come in on the weekend. I wanted to spend as much time as possible with Drew. I thought I was alone, so I jumped when I heard a knock on my office door.

I spun around in my office chair. Matt was leaning against the door.

“Ella. I just wanted to say… I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have thrown away the letter, it wasn’t my place. I just… Saw how upset he made you, and I got so angry that I thought… I don’t know.”

I felt my anger soften a little. “It wasn’t your place Matt. I understand wanting to protect your friends, but you crossed a line.”

“I know. I wish I could take it back, it was just… A spur of the moment decision. And a stupid one at that.” He was quiet for a moment. “Did you mean to send me that invite to your parent’s house?”

“Of course. I don’t want anyone to spend the holidays alone. You think I’d let you sit alone at the house with a turkey pot pie?”

He shrugged. “You were pretty angry. And if I were you… I would have been too. And I wouldn’t have invited you home.”

“I guess I’m just a better person than you.” I said, smiling.

“Hey now.” He said, smiling back. “So I get to meet the family, eh?” He asked, crossing the room and sitting on the corner of my desk.

“I guess. You ready for that?”

“Sure. I can handle it. Who’s going to be there?”

“Aunts, Uncles, cousins. My parents obviously. Anyone from here who doesn’t have a place to go. Drew.”

“Drew’s coming?”

“Yeah. We’re kind of dating now.” I said smiling.

“Oh…” He trailed off. There was an awkward silence. “Well. I better go home. Walk Cumulus. Be safe.” He said, leaving kind of abruptly.

I sighed. Why was everyone getting so weird when I said I was dating Drew?


awwww. poor matt. :( i know im in the minority but i dont like ella and drew being together. i still think she'd be bettter with matt. ah well. guess we'll see. :)


Don't know what's with Mom Ella, but it is obvious with Matt. hope him and Drew get along good. I love Ella and Drew together but I like Matt too and hate to seem him hurt which he shouldn't be since he has a gf even though they are on the verge of a breakup. Wouldn't be good for him and Ella to get together anyway right now.


I am torn because I like them both. But if Ella and Drew don't work out for some reason she may loose her best friend. But then I wouldn't want Ella to be Matt's rebound.


What - was - in - the - letter???? You KNOW he read it! At least started reading it. Isn't she going to pursue this?? I would want to.