Whatever Wednesday

You're probably like, "What the hell, Laura?!? You bail all week because you can't find time to write, but here you are wasting time on a Whatever Wednesday???"

Well. Yeah. I thought I was going to have time, actually. My husband proved to be quite useful while stuffing pillows, so that job got done on Sunday. Then I decided to add a homemade present for my Aunt and my Cousin at the last second, thinking that was going to take me the rest of the time to do. I actually worried about finishing them for a second. But, they too, went quicker than I anticipated (I made them bags using the leftover backing to the pillows, and I decorated with scraps left over from Cayden's old baby clothes. I'll have to upload pictures, I think they're super cute.) and I finished them Tuesday. I thought, well, maybe I'll have time to write up a post, maybe hit them with a special double whammy post for a Holiday present.

Obviously? That didn't work out. I forgot about my sick son (Monday morning he woke up and hated me. No joke, he didn't want anything to do with me. He woke up earlier than normal and I was trying to let Daddy sleep, but as soon as he saw it was me and not Daddy, he screamed his head off. I thought, OK, we'll say good morning to Daddy and once he gets breakfast, he'll be fine. No dice either. He screamed his head off and actually slapped me in the face. Daddy came downstairs, I nursed some hurt feelings while making him breakfast. Cayden repeatedly broke through the barrier to get upstairs while Daddy was showering. Daddy turned on Handy Manny and distracted Cayden while he snuck out the door. Then Cayden fell asleep for ten minutes in the car while I took my sister to work, and pretty much refused to go back down when he got home. But, at least he liked me again!)

He's kinda weird with his moods. He wakes up REALLY grumpy, but then as he's awake for awhile he gets back in his normal mood, a little clingy, but OK. I just wish I could give him something, ya know? If he has what I had, I know his throat is killing him. I can't give him a cough drop to sooth it, he won't take any honey from us, and I looked at those suckers that are supposed to sooth throats? I don't think they do, their first ingredient is corn syrup, and according to my husband who's worked at a pharmacy all his life practically, there's nothing in them to help. I almost wanted to buy them because they would at least make me feel like I was doing something. But, I said no to wasting four bucks on a bag of suckers. (It also helped that I remembered the sucker incident from before. I gave Cayden a sucker in his car seat to keep him happy on the way home from somewhere. When I went to take him out, the kid was covered in sucker goo. I mean sticky hands and face I can handle, but this kid had it EVERYWHERE. Legs, feet, his hair looked like it had gel in it. It was pretty horrible.)

Honestly, I love my son, but he's been a holy terror. He's either really clingy, really grumpy, or in full out destruction mode.

I also forgot about cleaning my house. Which is a HUGE undertaking. My house isn't dirty, but it is ALWAYS messy. It's just damn near impossible for me to clean when Cayden's awake, and when he's napping? I want a break too! We also needed to throw out a couch (it took up a LOT of room, and was kinda beat to hell. My Mom is giving us hers until we can buy a suitable replacement.) So now I have to clean up all the crap that was shoved under it (it's Cayden's job to shove stuff under couches, I think.) It also doesn't help that our house is tiny. Two bedrooms, one and a half bath (I know, that sounds nice to someone who only has one bathroom. But the bathroom? Is seriously so small I think it may be impossible to turn around in.) a TINY kitchen, useless dining room, and a living room. And my husband? Won't admit it, but he's a pack rat. He's got TONS of crap. Tools that he never uses, kitchen appliances that he never uses, because we probably have seriously two feet of counter space and the kitchen is so small that if you open the fridge door it blocks the entraces. Two people in the kitchen? Is REALLY cramped. I've BEGGED him to take some of his kitchen stuff and tools to his parents or my Moms, just to store in the basement. It's REALLY nice stuff, stuff I'll be glad to have when we have room to use it, but right now it just takes up SO much space. We did get rid of a bunch of Cayden's toys, to prepare for all his Christmas toys, which is a help. But it's just, we have all this... stuff, crammed in. Along with three adults (kinda. My sister was staying with us, now she's mainly with her fiance who lives two doors down) a dog, three cats, and a baby. So even when it IS cleaned? It looks cluttered. And I'm cramming even more people into it for Christmas. Why? Because I'm insane. Everyone wanted to watch Cayden open his gifts but I didn't want to lug his presents to someone elses house. So we'll have my in laws, my Mom, my Aunt, my two cousin, my brother, the baby, and me and Jeremy. My sister and her fiance claim not to be coming. We'll see.

So. Why am I chatting with you instead of cleaning? Because, overhauling the living room took two days. And not two days of half assed cleaning either. I cleaned while Cayden was napping, I cleaned after he went to bed. Monday I was up until 2:30 cleaning, I started at 8:30 when Cayden went to sleep, last night I was only up till Midnight, but Cayden had a freak out and was up for hours. I'm tired, and I'm still not done. I haven't touched the kitchen, haven't even looked at the dining room, and while I kinda started on one of the bathrooms, there's still upstairs to be concerned about. How come my house seems so tiny until I go to clean it? And I'm still not even done with the living room. It's just little stuff now, all the crap we piled on top of the book case and computer desk because I had no idea where to put it. The furniture is rearranged, the carpets are vacuumed and shampooed, stuff for the most part is put away, and I'm still not done.

So, again, why am I here, writing this, and not cleaning? Because I REALLY don't want to clean anymore. I mean I'm not normally one of those people who LIKES to clean. With my son it's hard to see a point in constantly picking up toys. My sister likes to pick them up when he goes down for a nap, and me, I'm kinda like... He'll be up in two hours, he'll dump them all back out, what's the point? I'll pick them up when he goes to bed, and we'll have a few hours of being able to walk on a clear floor. Even as I type he's finding random things on bookshelves and such to throw on the ground. It's frustrating to put this much effort into something and watch it all go to hell in a matter of minutes.

I want to thank you all, so much, for your understanding though, when I decided to take time off. I know, I write for fun, and no one will die if I were to quit the blog tomorrow. But, I did sort of make a commitment to you guys, and I want to uphold that commitment for as long as I can. I don't like to be let down, therefore I don't want to let anyone else down. You guys have been great, as far as listening to me vent about various things, and supporting me in my writing. I say it over and over, and I hope you all now how genuine I am. You guys are the best, and I appreciate your kind words and support. Thank you, so much.

I hope you all get what you wanted, this holiday season. I hope you all are well, I hope you're surrounded by Family and Friends. I hope that you had a good time. We put ALL this work into preparing for something, and it's easy to get stressed. But I hope you all take time to relax, breathe, and enjoy it. Even if I don't get anything this Christmas, I'm really excited about it. My family together always means lots of laughs, this is the first Christmas where my son is semi-aware of what's going on, where I get to play Santa, and even though I have my moments where I forget how lucky I really am, I am feeling very blessed right now, and I hope that feeling continues on for awhile.

Alright, well. I have things to do, and procrastinating is only going to make me more stressed.


Hey Laura. It sounds like you have your hands full this holiday season. I hope the cleaning gets done soon so that you can enjoy your time with your loved ones, without all of the stressed attached.

On another note, I need to ask all of the readers (and you of course) that pray to keep me and my family is their prayers. My boyfriend (the absolute love of my life) lost his mother last Friday and he is only nineteen. She was 42, and was diagnosed with colon cancer on Wednesday, December 16, and we lost her two days later. She had shown absolutely no signs of bad health, other than the occasional stomach pain that she put off to just being a woman. She and I had become very close in the past few years while I was dating her son, and it feels like I have lost my mother too.

I'm not asking for sympathy from anyone or anything like that, I was just really hoping I could get some of the fellow readers to use the prayer power to help get us through this time. It has been a really tough week on all of us, but especially on him. He was his mom's only child, and they were best friends. He seems so lost now without her, we all are, and I just really need everyone to pray for our strength.

This all happened so quickly, and there is no way that we could have prepared for this. I lost my BFF (that was an inside joke between her and I) and future mother in law, and I have no idea how to fill her giant shoes, when it comes to taking care of her son.

In addition to prayer, I would ask everyone to tell their loves ones exactly how you feel about them. There is absolutely no guarantee for tomorrow (this past week has taught me that) and you should not waste time in holding grudges or fighting with loved ones. Life is simply too precious, and too short.

I wish you all a happy holiday, and a wonderful new year.

God bless you and your family Laura. Reading your blog has given me something to take my mind off of everything the past few days.

-Tiffany (Leilani is my middle name)



I am so very sorry that that happened to you, especially so close to Christmas. My grandmother had colon cancer. They went in to take it out, said they got all of it, and we thought she'd be OK. A few days later she died. She had developed a clot from the surgery in her leg, and it traveled to her heart where it burst, killing her.

As I said before, all death is so hard, but sudden death... Well, you're just left with so many questions. I won't say your future Mother in law is in a better place, the best place for her to be is with you guys, but please know that she knows how much you guys loved her. I still know it's hard and you wish you had been able to say that to her, but please know that she knows.

If you need anything, to talk, vent, anything, please know I'm here and you can either leave comments on the blog, or email me.

I'm not very good at saying sympathetic things, but please know, you do have my sympathy. I know you weren't asking for it, but I feel for you, and again, I'm so sorry that happened.

Here's a poem that helped me through a couple of deaths. You may already know it but...

Do not stand at my grave and weep;
I am not there. I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning's hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry;
I am not there. I did not die.


Hi Laura, I know you want to try and do anything to help your son with his cold (I have an 11-month-old daughter, so I understand completely). But I wanted to pass along something I was told by my doctor's office about honey. Babies can absolutely NOT have honey. I'm not sure exactly why, but I think it has something to do with some kind of bacteria that's in it will make them VERY sick. So be thankful that he wouldn't take it. Have a Merry Christmas!


Hey Anon-

The no honey rule is for children under a year. Once they're over a year, it's fine. Honey has spores in them that bigger bodies can kill, but babies can't, so I believe it causes botchulism (I know I spelled that wrong)

So while you can't give your 11 month old honey, honey's fine for my 15 month old. It's really confusing the ages they can have stuff, it's hard to believe that a mere month can make a difference, but it does.

So thanks for the heads up, but he's OK with honey!


....But what do you mean we won't die if you quit writing????

Just kidding, of course. I hope you have a wonderful holiday with the family. And remember, what doesn't quite get done just doesn't quite get done. Do what you can and then enjoy.

Tiffany, my prayers go out to you and your DBF. I'm so sorry for your loss.


i dont mean to be rude, but if your house is so tiny, as you say it is, why are you trying so hard to have another kid? wouldn't it be better to wait until you can move into a bigger house with a bedroom for each kid, or at least where you guys can move around easier?


Anon 3, the urge to have another child does not wait until you have a bigger home or money to have the baby. If it did I don't think anyone would have children lol. We tend to act on instincts where kids are concerned. Anyhoo, Tiffany I will keep you and your BF in my thoughts and prayers. Colon cancer is definately a silent killer. A lady I used to work with's husband had a softball size tumor in his colon. He had no symtoms except weight loss. And it was only from her urging that they found it. Unfortunately even though they removed it got it all and he had radiation and kimo (sp?) the cancer came back and he was dead with 3 months. I don't think enough is said about colon cancer and they don't even recommend a colonoscopy until like age 50. Sometimes I think the Surgeon General or whatever form of government that depicts when testing should be done wants us to get diseases. Mammagrams used to done first at 35 now it's 40 and I think they are trying to raise that. And saying the self breast exams aren't necesary anymore. I know a lot of women who discovered maligant lumps themselves. And pap smears aren't recommended til 21!! Now even if sexually active they are saying they aren't necessary til then. Anyway hope all those that celebrate Christmas have a great one. And Happy holidays to those that celebrate other holidays!!


Anon- You may not have been trying to be rude, but you were. It's really nobody's business besides mine and my husbands on when and if we have another child. I mean, I could kind of see people getting upset if we were on assistance and couldn't take care of ourselves, but that's not really the case.

But since you asked why I won't wait, it's simple. I don't want too. I'm pretty young, 24 here in about a month, I know there's plenty of time for me to have kids. But, my husband is 32, 33 in May. Buying a house isn't in a future for the next few years. I have no credit, my husband has bad credit, people aren't loaning money, and while it's a great time to buy a house if you have the money, we don't. So my husband could be around 40 years old before we were in a house, and I don't want him to be 40 with a newborn. I don't want him to be almost 60 when the kid is 18.

Besides, why do I need a bigger place for another child? I already have all the baby gear out, that's what's taking up so much room now! It's not like we're all stuffed into one room. Our townhouse just happens to be on the smaller side. Our bedrooms are actually pretty large, we just don't happen to be in them a lot, and another crib could fit easily in my son's room, and I actually still have the bassinet up in our room.

My friend is pregnant with her 5th baby. While she does own her home, the only reason it's bigger than my house is because it has a basement. Her kids are happy and healthy. So, why do I need a bigger place again for a baby?

I'm sorry if I sounded rude. But it really does kind of tick me off when people tell me that either I shouldn't have a baby for some reason, or I should. It's my body, it's my life, and if I decide to have another baby, that's my choice. I mean if you looked at what everyone thought you SHOULD have for a baby: Money, space, time, ect. Then I really don't think ANYONE would meet the criteria. You make it work.


Thank you all for your kind words. We are still absolutely in shock from everything that has happened, but we know we will be able to get through this with the support from our friends and family.

It is amazing to hear how common colon cancer is, but how there are hardly any screenings for it, until you are at the age where the cancer can take your life.

God must have needed another angel when he took her, and let me tell you, he couldn't have picked a better one.

Laura, I absolutely love that poem you posted! It is beautiful and I am going to print it off and keep it with the other things we have from her funeral as a keepsake. Thank you for posting it!
