
No post again today. I'm sorry guys, today I woke up feeling the best I had all week, and I thought, man, today I am going to get stuff done. Well, halfway through cleaning the living room, that dream died. I feel so ill.

I know you all say to take care of me first, but the thing is, I WANT to be doing things. I WANT to be writing, I want my house to not look like a pig sty, I want to be able to move without fearing that I am going to toss my cookies. Plus, as much as you guys say you understand, I know it's frustrating to have a schedule and have someone not stick to it.

I've decided that I am going to cut back on postings to twice a week. It makes me sad, because I feel like that's not enough, but I want to make sure it's something I know I can do. I may still post a whatever wednesday, I'm not sure. I'm hoping that once the second trimester hits, this sickness goes away, and if that's the case, we'll resume normal scheduling.

And anyone have any remedies for this morning sickness? I had some preggie pops that worked OK, but then my son got into them and threw them all around. Plus, 5 bucks for only 21 of them is kinda steep.


I never had morning sickness but friends of mine did and they sucked on peppermint candies, just the hard candy that you get from resturants. And of course the old stand by-crackers and club soda or 7-up.

Hope this helps some.


That's what another friend of mine told me. Peppermints. I may be sending hubby out later. It's like, I feel fine, and then I start moving and it hits me. This morning was the worst, which really almost made me cry, because I WAS feeling the best. Now I feel like I'll be stuck on the couch all weekend and we're FINALLY having some gorgeous weather again.

I'm hoping because this pregnancy is so different it means a different sex. I've heard plenty of stories where people say they had different pregnancies and the same sex, but hey, I can dream, right?


try ginger snaps...I had morning sickness to varying degrees for all 4 of my little guys and it worked like a charm from the simplest wave of naseousness to the full blown morning sickness 24/7. That and keeping something at all times in my stomach...for my last I couldn't eat anything but could tolerate the equate ensure type that and ginger snaps is about all my little guy survived on for the first trimester...I also found sitting in cool water calmed my tummy. Not usually a fan of cold water..but my daughters tiny pool was a God send for that pregnancy!I hope you are feeling better soon- just remember morning sickness is an assurance that everything is going well :)I know how hard it is when you can't do the things you are used to though. Sending prayers your way!


I remember always having to have something in my stomach. But specifically with my daughter I lived on peanut butter and jelly sandwhiches and cranberry 7up. This was for the first 3 months.


I agree with the keeping something in your stomach comments. I still keep a nutrigrain bar on my nightstand each night. I eat some in the middle of the night and the rest before getting out of bed in the morning...A nurse told me to drink Boost, the nutritional drink. The doctor later yelled at me for that, but it did help for a while. I had the Preggie Pops and mints on hand, too.


never heard of preggie pops but hey! lol
i found ice caps really helped ov. doestn work for everyone...i had to be different. also vit. B ask doctor first tho it worked for both of my pre. i took vit b+ :)
love new posting schedule actually and now im ducking :)


When I was pregnant with my son, I was lucky and did not get morning sickness, but with my daughter, it hit hard. Dr. Pepper was the only thing that worked for me. Once the morning sickness subsided, I couldn't drink Dr. Pepper anymore, but I thanked God for it because it was the only thing that worked.


Feel better soon. Maybe instead of twice/week just take a break for a month then everyone can check back on X date that you set to read new posts. I understand the hardship that you and your family is going through so maybe that will give you a much needed break and time to write but not post posts until a month has gone by, then you might have a lot of posts. I love the posts and get disappointed when I don't see them, I know it's a blog but I love it! And I am understanding of your situation but maybe a break is what you need then you can give your readers 100% later. Just let us know the date & we'll be back. It saves everyone from visiting the site only to see there is no post and it saves you from having to write an entry stating there is no post. Good luck, feel better & I hope all looks up for your family soon.