Just a heads up

I'm having a little issue with blogger lately... It started on Friday, it kept giving me a timing out error, and occasionally would let me in, but then would eventually end up timing out. I also can't visit other blogs on blogger. Today I'm able to access it through Internet Explorer, but yesterday both IE and Firefox were being funky. I don't know if this is an issue everyone is having, or if it's just me (I heard from a reader that she's been having issues commenting) I don't know what's going on or when it will be fixed. I have next weeks posts up and scheduled to go, so I should be OK, but please email me and let me know if you are having any issues with blogger: Nothingmorethanlaura@gmail.com

Thanks guys!


I'm attempting a comment to see if the comments are working. I think Blogger is working just fine for me.

I wish I could come up with some explainations as to why it's not working, but.. I have absolutely zero idea why it's acting weird.

I hope it's up and running for you soon! :)


Thanks Jayjay! Now I'm able to get to it through firefox with no issues **knock on wood*) but earlier while it would let me look at my blog, it let me get to the Leigh blog and then wouldn't let me read comments, and then it just stopped working all together, so I don't know if this is a temporary thing or not. Someone emailed me to check out her blog, and I'd like to, and I'd like to add it to the blog list for you guys to check out, but it keeps failing on me. But again, it's working right now (too bad it's hubby's and my date night and I've been drinking, so no blog reading for me!)


hey, i know they were updating their templates.. that might have had something to do with it. I have blogger myself and the new templates are sooo awesome... you can choose from like a zillion different backgrounds, a dozen new templates... very customizable! you should check it out :)