You probably guessed it. No post tomorrow. Again, really sorry guys, I want this thing to be over so I can get on with my normal life. The throwing up has stopped, but other aspects haven't. Still have the cold chills and fever, and now I have a raging headache and I'm just SUPER tired. My poor son is feeling so ignored, I can tell. Don't get me wrong, he gets fed, changed, all his basic needs are taken care of, but last week I was taking him out a lot because the weather finally got good, and even when we're stuck at home, I play with him and all that. This week has been me lying on the couch, trying to entertain him with cartoons, and I know he's quite sick of TV. Not to mention my house is looking worse for the wear, toys are everywhere, I had gotten through the mountain of laundry last week, only to have it pile up this week.

I had to cancel my volunteer event Saturday. I still have hope that I'll be better by then, but I'd rather give them a little notice than none at all (not that two days is a huge amount of notice, but I guess it's better than none.)

Anyway, I know it's been a rough week in the blogosphere but if I'm better next week, I plan on doing a post every day (and skipping whatever wednesday) and doing a double post on Thursday and Friday. IF I'm better, which at this point, I don't think I ever will be :-(


awww dear!! i hope you feel better soon!! the anticipation is killing me (in a good way) of whats going to happen in the blog!! haha. youre such a good writer!! take care of you. :)


Oh, Laura, I'm so sorry you're so sick! But you've always been SO good to us and so good about posting schedules that it's only fair that you take this time to ONLY WORRY ABOUT YOURSELF!! Thank you for taking the time to explain and apologize and I really hope you feel better soon, not for the blog, but for yourself.


Fenhu is right. You actually kind of spoil us by posting on schedule all the time (and with how many posts you have each week!). So many other blogs I read have a "schedule" that generally gets ignored and I find myself having to check each of those blogs a billion times a week just to see "have they updated yet??". You're also so good about letting us know as far in advance as you can if you won't be able to give us a post on a certain day. You don't just come back three days later and say "Oh, yeah... I got busy."

I'm not sure if I've said it, but thank you for your blog! It's seriously my favorite of all the blogs I read (which is a fair number because I'm a stay-at-home-mom with no life lol).

Hope you get over this nasty bug soon!!


We'll see ya when you feel better. :)


You may remember me mentioning last year about the horrible flu I had. It does make you feel like you'll never get better, but you will. Just hope you have help with Cayden. Rest and feel better soon.


I ditto everything JillyBeanTM said down to the stay-at-home mom with no life! :)
