Again, sorry for the lateness

Hey guys-

I wanted to apologize about the lateness again. I know a lot of you say I don't have to apologize for being late, or explain, but I also wanted to vent a little bit.

My weekend was fantastic. I started my diet, started working out at the gym (I'll talk more about that Wednesday.) and I know normally that sounds like it would be a bummer, but I actually really like it. Which is really weird, considering I've never really dieted or exercised before (and no, I'm not one of those girls you hate because they eat whatever and don't exercise and are still stick thin. I eat whatever I want, don't exercise, and trust me, it shows majorly!)

Today? Has sucked hardcore. It started late last night when I realized my sister had "cleaned" (her idea of cleaning is throwing everything away or shoving everything into the closet) and had thrown away one of my Christmas gift cards. Luckily my husband saw it and fished it out of the trash, but my spa gift card? Is missing in action, which means it may have been thrown away before we realized. Then, when we went to bed (later than we had wanted too, because we got sucked up in a game of trivial pursuit with my friend Courtney. I lost, big time.) My son woke up at about 1 (right when we were going to bed) and didn't really sleep the rest of the night. I probably got about four hours of interrupted sleep. Normally though, that means he'll sleep in for me. But he didn't get a chance too, because we had to be up early for a 9:15 doctors appointment. We walk out the door, running late of course, and it's snowing and icy. I won't drive in the snow. So my husband now has to take my sister to work and us to our doctors appointment. Then we get stuck behind a handicapped bus that's there to pick up my neighbor's daughter, so we had to wait until they loaded her in before we could go. Then I get to the doctors, and have to spend 1/2 hour trying to fill out paperwork while wrangling Cayden (we were going to be late for our appointment so Jeremy was dropping me off, then taking my sister to work, and then coming back to get me.) Not only that, but because of the snow, a BUNCH of the nurses were late, so we had to wait longer than expected.

Cayden was cranky due to lack of sleep, had to get two shots, and we found out we have to meet with a surgeon because the pedi thinks they'll want to operate on his belly button.

And it's only 11 AM.

Yuck. We have an appointment on the 19th to go meet with the surgeon. I have no idea what's going to happen or what to expect (anyone else have a child who needed a herniated belly button operated on? What do they do?) Obviously they won't operate that day, since it's just a consult to see if they want to operate (the doctor is feeling two holes, one in his belly button, one right above it. She says the one in his belly button still might close on it's own, they were originally going to wait till he was 2 before they talked about surgery, but she says the ones above the belly button usually don't close on their own.) But, once we get a surgery date scheduled and I find out what kind of procedure it is (is it outpatient, overnight? What's the recovery like?) I'll be able to let you guys know if I'll be missing any dates.

Oh yeah, and Cayden totally just punched me in the eye.


Happy Monday! Jeez. What a way to start the day. Hope it gets better! mum


You have had a total Monday morning yuck! Sorry your day has been so crappy so far. I hope you find your spa gift card. :( As for the hernia, I don't know any little ones that have had the operation, but I've had it myself and after being pregnant with the twins will need it again unfortuantely. Booo! Anyway, I don't know if it's the same with little ones. Mine was very quick and only needed 3 or 4 days to feel like new. The first day or two was a little uncomfortable if I moved certain ways (laying on my side mostly), but other than that not too bad. Hopefully, it's similar for Cayden. Have a great week!!


Hope your day has gotten better. Let me know about Cayden's operation Laura, doesn't sound too bad and babies bounce back easily, but it'll still be scary for you. Anyhoo I'm really sorry I laughed when I read that Cayden just punched you in the eye :). My daughter was a kicker and a biter we had alot of fun when she was a baby.