

So I got bored with my layout and decided to play around with some new ones. The thing is, I really know squat about html and templates and all that crap. I'm OK at finding one online, copying and pasting it, but then if there's something I don't like about it (like there was one I LOVED but the color was too dark.) I have NO clue how to fix it.

Hence the problem we're having right now. I put this new layout up, I like it OK, but it's not love. I love this other one, but there's someone elses information on the side. I thought I could get rid of it, customize my tools like I used too, but my tools are gone.

I know if I play with it, I can probably figure it out, or at least find a new layout that works. Problem is, while attempting to work while my son is awake, he has gotten into a bunch of my husband's stuff (my husband has a stand downstairs, it's where he keeps a bunch of random stuff- he puts random bills on it, keeps change, jewelry box, checkbook... It's now all over the place.) So I need to go deal with that and probably won't be back at this until tonight at the earliest, maybe not even until sometime Sunday night.

So hang tight, I'm trying to fix it!


I like it, but I do agree its a little dark. Like the old school black chalkboard with white chalk that they had to change to green cause its bad for kids eyesight. But I am too usless with computers to offer any help in how to change it sorry...

And yes I am obsessed with ur blog... clearly. Its a saturday and I KNOW that there will be no post but I check anyways its a habbit :)