Sorry this is so late

It's been an ugh morning.

I realized when I woke up this morning that I didn't finish the post from the night before. I got home from the gym last night and completely forgot about it. The gym wore me out and I have no idea why. So, I was hoping to bang it out before my sister came over for me to take her to work...

Well, I got distracted when she walked in and told me she thinks she has MRSA again.

For those of you who don't know, MRSA is a drug resistant Staph infection. It can be VERY dangerous. It usually strikes in people with already weak immune systems, like the elderly, but it also really hits hard in people that use drugs.

For a long time my sister was using drugs pretty heavily, more specifically, she was using Meth (which, for several reasons, meth users tend to get MRSA a lot. For one, their immune system gets run down from the drugs, they also don't tend to sleep for days, causing more harm to their immune system... Then they also have this habit of picking at their skin. From what I've read, sometimes they feel like somethings crawling under their skin and they try to pick it out, or other times, they start picking at a zit or something, but because a lot of times they lose concept of time, they'll pick for hours, causing sores where the staph can enter the body.)

Well, she ended up getting MRSA, and needed to be hospitalized so she could have IV treatments, and even needed surgery to lance a few of the area's (I don't know what to call them. Basically she gets things that look like zits, but get HUGE and quickly, I guess little pockets of Staph or MRSA? I don't know. They basically have to lance/cut them and drain them to get all the crap out. You can't pop it like a zit because a.) that'll cause the staph to spread and b.) you just can't go deep enough.) Anyway, it was horrible, and she easily could have died, but she was OK.

Then she started using again. And the MRSA came back. This one was handled a lot better, there was no overnight hospital stay, but we also knew what to expect and didn't wait so long to take her to the hospital (the first time it happened, she didn't know what was going on. Thinking they were just really big zits or boils, she waited to be seen.)

I guess in the shower this morning she felt something - a bump. When she asked her fiance what it was, he said he saw it yesterday and thought it was a zit, but it had gotten a LOT bigger. She thinks it might be MRSA. We're all hoping it IS just a zit, but if it gets any bigger, we'll have to take her back to the hospital. I'm thinking it might NOT be MRSA, just because EVERY time she's gotten it, she's been using, and I really doubt that she is now. Her fiance is a recovering alcoholic (been sober for years, still goes to the meetings, and still doesn't even like to be around being who are drinking, so I just highly doubt he's letting her use in his house.) She hasn't been around the people she usually is when she uses, and there have been no other signs of her using. So. I dunno. Basically, if it gets any bigger while she's at work today, we're taking her to the hospital. If that happens, I'm not sure what tomorrow's going to look like. Just a heads up.


I hope everything's gonna be okay. You & your loved ones are in my thoughts and prayers


Good luck with everything, I really hope it's just a zit.

My sister had substance problems in the past as well and has had to deal with many reoccuring health issues, but its been 6 years clean now and the issues are less and less. So there is a light at the end of the tunnel.



I hope it's nothing serious, Laura I don't remember if I told you about my husband's infection in his face?? I didn't go to the doc with him so I'm really not sure if it was staph or not. Anyhoo, he had a zit or cyst on his face. He was fishing one day, handleing fish and live bait. And stupidly picking away at this zit. Well the whole side of his face swelled up, the poor guy looked like something out of a horror movie. He went to the hospital and they gave him 2 antibiotic shots in the butt. He was in so much pain that night I had to call the doc that saw him and he said it took about 24 hours for the antibiotics to work. By the next day the original zit popped and all this icky infection stuff drained out. He did follow up with another doc, but he still has a hole in his face where the original zit was, it's really small but he's very self conscious about it. I hope your sister just has a simple zit, they can get pretty big too.