Happy New Years!


Sorry this is late! I celebrated a little too much last night, (my Mom had Cayden) and so I was planning on sleeping in a little today, but then after I fell asleep at 3, my cousin/best friend called me at 4:30 crying. She had been to a party and there was a guy there... I guess I'd call him her ex, they had kind of a complicated situation. Anyway, it's been almost a year since they last talked and she thought that she was over it and OK, but it just kinda hit her... Especially when she heard some news, and watched him kiss a girl that he had brought. So, I was on the phone with her for almost 2 hours. So I slept in a little longer than I thought! But, here it is. Hope you enjoy! I'm in a good mood. Despite my bff having a hard beginning to this new Year, I just feel like it's going to be a great one! I hope you all had fun!


Sorry bout your cousin.. So strange the same thing happened to me.. ran into the ex at the club..we broke up 8 months ago and we hadn't seen each other for months.. I thought I was over him but it really hit me I still had feelings for him, plus he was with sum girl I know.. Wanted to leave but my girls convinced to stay so we found a table at the opposite side of the club so that i dont see him only for the idiot to come right next to us and start dirty dancing with the girl.. I was so upset I ended up getting more drunk than I had planned but it put me in a better mood... Sucks when you realize you're not over someone and they've clearly moved on :-(


Anonymous--He hasn't moved on, because if he had, he certainly wouldn't have done that right in front of you. That's my theory anyway...:)