I'm always wrapped up in things I cannnot win

The day’s events had drained me, and it wasn’t even noon yet. I eyed the treadmill, knowing that I should run, not just to clear my head but for exercise as well, but I really was just too tired to do so. Cumulus whined and scratched at the door. I knew he deserved a long walk, especially on one of the rare nice days of winter, but again, just too tired. I let Cumulus out the back door, hoping that some extended yard time would satisfy him. He looked at his leash sadly, and then back up at me.

“I know buddy. I promise, tomorrow we’ll take a trip to the pet store, but today, I need some more me time.” I said, gently scratching his big head. He seemed to nod at me and then headed outside to do his business.

I plopped myself down on the couch and decided to spend the whole day on it, watching bad made for tv movies on lifetime. I only had a few more days to wallow by myself before Matt came home, and I wanted to get all this feeling-sorry-for-myself crap out of my system. I had just settled down to watch a little gem called “too young to marry” when I was interrupted by a knock at the door.

I considered not answering it, but whoever it was knocked again, and more urgently, I knew I better see who it was. Besides, I needed to let Cumulus back inside anyway.
I was shocked to see Toni standing on my steps, a large duffle bag sitting beside her.

“I knew I should have called. I’m glad your home though. What took you so long to answer?” She asked, pushing past me into the house, dragging her bag behind her.

“What are you doing here?” I asked as she set her bag down.

“I heard you were having a hard time… I can’t visit a friend?” She asked, walking into the kitchen.

“You can, it’s just… Work, and the kids… You can’t usually get away like this.” I answered, following her into the kitchen. Cumulus was waiting at the back door, and I opened the door to let him back in.

“I know. I needed some me time too. So I took it to come see you. What a good friend I am.” She said, smiling at me.

I was glad Toni was there, she would give me a much needed distraction, but it was also… Odd, that she was there. Toni was one of my best friends, probably my only female friend anymore. But we had a long distance friendship. She was so busy with work and her kids, she very rarely got up to see me. I usually went to her. Her behavior was also off. She seemed like she was trying to be upbeat and positive, but not quite hitting it.

“What’s really going on Toni?” I asked, leaning against the counter and eyeing her up and down.

“I told you… I know what’s going on. Just because you don’t talk to me anymore doesn’t mean Drew doesn’t fill me in on things.”

I winced. “He told you everything?”

She nodded. “Don’t blame him, he was drunk.”

“So you’re here to chew me out?” I asked.

She shrugged. “I thought about it. I mean you know what it’s like to be cheated on, I thought you would know better.” She sighed. “I think this conversation needs drinks. You wanna do lunch?”

Now it was my turn to shrug.

“C’mon. You drive, I’ll pay.” Toni said, heading for the front door.

We went to El Vaquero’s, and even though Toni had said she wanted a drink, she ordered a water when we sat down.

“I thought this was a conversation that needed drinks?” I asked.

“I didn’t say which one of us needed the drink. Besides, someone has to be the designated driver.” She said, shrugging and glancing over the menus. She waited until the waiter came back to take our order before she continued the conversation.

“So. Have you talked to Jason?”

“Yes.” I said, sipping my margarita.

“What happened?”

“You mean with the conversation or in general?” I asked, taking a longer sip of my margarita.


I shrugged. “I slept with him Toni. It was a big mistake, I regret it. I know I hurt a lot of people in the process, and I’m sorry for that. I don’t have any excuses, I just didn’t think. I didn’t know Jason would leave Kayla. I didn’t tell him too or ask him too or anything like that. I actually told him to get his shit together because she deserves better.”

Toni was shaking her head.

“What?” I asked, confused.

“I just don’t buy it Ella. You have been pining after Jason since you were in the womb practically, and you finally get your chance and you’re just done?”

“It’s too little too late Toni.”

“No. I think it’s ‘I’m too scared to try so once again I’m just going to walk away and end up regretting it’.”

“Oh Toni, don’t. Don’t tell me I should give it a shot with Jason.” I whined.

“I just think that if you don’t, all that’s going to happen is he’s going to keep popping back up again and again. I don’t think he’s right for you. I think Drew is the one.”

“So why do you want me to get with Jason and in the meantime REALLY screw things over with Drew?” I asked, honestly bewildered. I was expecting Toni to stand and cheer when she heard I had given Jason the boot. Now she was acting the complete opposite.

“Because, I think it’ll end up doing more damage if you don’t. I think Jason will continue to pop back up and because you never gave it a shot with him you’ll always wonder… Wonder if he’s changed, if you’ve changed, if it could work right now. As for Drew… Well, I think ultimately that’s what he’s afraid of. I think he knows that you really are sorry for sleeping with Jason, but I think he cares about you so much and he’s just terrified that it’ll happen all over again. I think in the end, if you officially try it with Jason, and it officially doesn’t work out… Drew’ll feel better about the whole thing.”

“I don’t know Toni. It sounds like it’ll just make a mess of things all over again.”

She patted my hand. “Well, honey, aren’t things already a mess? Drew’s not talking to you. You and I both know whatever Jason said got to you.”

“But you’re saying it’s not going to work out, so why try? Why put myself through that, again?”

“Oh Ella.” She sighed. “I know I know a lot, but believe it or not, I don’t actually know everything. I don’t think it’ll work out, but hey, I could be wrong. It has happened before, you know. Besides, I’ve been telling you for awhile now that you two wouldn’t work out, and yet you kept on trucking. Why stop now?”

I sighed and sat back. “I don’t know. It’s just been so long, who knows if there’s anything left with Jason anyway?”

Toni shrugged, and the waiter came by and set our food down in front of us.

We were both quiet for a long moment, arranging things and chewing thoughtfully.

“How is Drew?” I asked, not looking up at her. I wanted to know, but I think no matter what the answer was, it was going to hurt.

“I don’t know.” She said, and I glanced up at her to see if she was just saying that because she thought I had no right to know, or if she honestly didn’t know. She was watching me, and she set down her fork.

“I mean, he seems…” She trailed off and shrugged. “I honestly don’t know.”

“Well, that makes me feel better.” I said, rolling my eyes and stabbing a piece of steak to make my fajita.

“It’s not all about you, you know.” Toni said, rolling her own eyes.

“I know.” I admitted, setting down my fork. “I’m sorry. How are you, anyway? What’s been going on? I know we don’t talk much, I’m sorry, it’s my fault. I do miss you.”

She sighed and looked away. I didn’t know if I had offended her or hurt her feelings or what.

“Toni?” I asked, reaching across the table to touch her hand. She waved me off.

“I’m fine. I’m not mad.” She said, still not looking at me.

“Then what’s wrong?” I asked, confused.

I was even more shocked when Toni did finally look back over at me, and I noticed there were unshed tears in her eyes.

“Let’s get out of here.” She said, even though we had just got here.

I didn’t say anything, just waved the waiter over and asked for the check and some boxes. I had a feeling the sooner we got out of here, the sooner Toni would spill the real reason she was here.


Aww, Toni seems like a great friend. I wish I had someone like her in my life! It also seems to me that maybe things aren't all great on the homefront for her right now, which could be a dual purpose for her visiting Ella. I'm certainly intrigued and can't wait to find out what's going on with Toni! I much prefer the current story to the FB posts right now :) Keep up the great writing!


Hmm I wonder what is wrong with Toni?? And as much as I love her and have always thought she gave Ella great advice, I don't agree with her on Jason this time. I think the time for trying has passed, the last Flash Back said it all, it's sad they were to afraid to say how they really felt about each other but I do think it is just too late.


I REALLY don't want her to try with Jason. Why give such a bad guy a chance? If she loves Drew and is over Jason like she told him then why give him a shot?


Oh, I didn't say so earlier but I definitely don't agree with Toni's advice on getting with Jason, either. I feel like that will definitely sabotage things with Drew forever and I'm just not sure why Toni would tell Ella to get with Jason! Makes no sense, she's usually so rational and full of good, heartfelt advice.


Honestly, I love the character of Toni, but I feel like her advice was terrible. If, after sending Drew two emails saying how she's over Jason and really loves Drew and wants to be with him, how much oh a hypocrite is Ella going to seem if she then gives it another shot with him?!?
Heh, I guess it just means the writing's really good since i can get so worked up :)


Oops, meant to imply she would be a hypocrite for giving it another shot with Jason, not Drew ;)


If she was going to get with Jason, she should have done it a long time ago. I do agree that now, it's just too late. I do kind of understand what Toni's saying, but I think that Ella just needs to stay the heck away from Jason and try to make up with Drew before it's too late for THEM too.
And WHAT DID NICK DO!? hahah.


Oh goodness! Toni needs to stop giving Ella advice about Jason and figure out her own stuff. I think she's going to come back stating that either she's left her husband because he cheated on her...again, or she cheated on him. :(


Have to agree with the majority here - Ella needs to leave Jason alone. If she didn't feel anything after the last time she slept with him, why would that change now? Sometimes we are just so wrapped up with what is comfortable we can't see what is good for us! I also agree that is she does give Jason another chance, Drew will never come back. That means she is essentially chosing Jason over him, and he would only be 2nd best if it didn't work out. Who wants that??


I just don't get why everyone thinks/says Jason is such a "bad" guy. (With the exception of cheating on his wife, that's understandable of course. But, people have been saying this since before that situation.) I guess if we were reading this from Jason's point of view we could say the same about Ella? She has done the same things to Jason as he has done to her. With that being said, I understand those that think the ship has sailed for Ella and Jason. That's a whole different perspective.


Toni is great. I'm glad she is back.
But I don't agree with her on that Jason thing at all. I don't think she should try it will never work. I miss Drew. But I'm really curious now about what has been going on with Toni.


Toni is a good friend and I think she means well but I think this is the first time I don't agree with her advice. Ella told Drew that she was over Jason, getting with him now would ruin any chances they have for a future relationship. And I wonder what Nick did to have Toni so upset.


I was just reading the comments and I think it's funny how it is assumed that Nick did something. So quick we are to blame the guy. My nephew and his g/f are having problems my hubby told me last night and I wanted to say "what did Brandon do?" automatically assuming it's his fault lol.


I do not agree with Toni, her advice makes no sense. Get together with Jason because you know you won't work out and then you can have Drew? Bad advice. Don't listen to her Ella.


Laura B - I have to admit you're right! I was thinking, so what did Nick do? Maybe she's just an overwhelmed mommy. I can totally relate! mum


Myabe Toni is just overwhelmed but I just don't get that vibe. Toni showing up out of the blue and how upset she seems just doesn't speak of someone who is stressed. And I still don't agree with her advice which really makes no sense. Drew wants time and space so that he can see Ella is over Jason once and for all. She says she loves Drew, falling back into the Jason trap will not help the situation at all.


Okay, I want to know what's going on with Nick and Toni. Laura B-I don't necessarily mean he did something wrong-but they are a unit- so I want to know what's going on with them.
Also, I agree with an a anonymous post- why does everyone hate Jason? Remember Prom? And also we just read how he helped with the Jacob thing. I like Drew and Jason. But if she gets with Jason it will ruin any chance she had with Drew.
I wonder if Toni is pregnant, since she ordered water at the restaurant.


Jana Jason does have his moments but over all he is no good. You can't just forget about the bad times. For example he didn't heck on her when he got married and she was so hurt. He acts like he didn't know why she did't show up. Deep down he knew the truth and wanted to bring his new wife to her house and parade her around.
If you had to make a list i think the bad probably would outwa the good. Drew has always been there for her. He has been her one constant. Every person needs that person they can depend on. I'm sorry but Jasonisn't it.


If Ella were to go back to Jason to make sure he is out of her system I think that would give Nick even more doubts about Ella and their relationship. When the going gets tough Ella goes to Jason...that is what will always be in the back of Drew's mind. As for Toni...maybe Nick didn't do anything? Maybe Toni is the one that did something .. this time anyway. Nick cheated when they were dating, but maybe, being an overwhelmed mommy, clouded her normally good judgement. God, I hope she didn't fool around with Drew!! She said he was drunk & heartbroken, she's overwhelmed and probably not feeling her most confident or sexiest...eek! I hope not. Guess we shall see on Tuesday!!


Ooooh yeah she did order water at the restaurant.


I agree with Toni that Ella should give it a try with Jason. However, that should've happened when they slept together before she got with Drew. Then Drew could've been sure that Jason won't come back in the picture. I think if Ella doesn't start a relationship with Jason it would send a much stronger signal to Drew that she's over Jason than if she goes back to Drew after failing with Jason.


I understand Toni's advice, the whole "if you don't try it, how do you know it's really over?" thing, but if Ella really felt ashamed and sick after sleeping with Jason, it's not meant to be, ya know? I've been rooting for Jason, but I think it's just too late.

And with Toni, I think she had an affair (with Drew? which is maybe why he still wants so much space when he really should have been back by now?) and got pregnant (drinking water and giving a lame excuse that one of them should be sober - one drink with a meal over an hour or so at lunch won't affect you that much) and doesn't know who the father is! Dun dun dunnnnnn... I think I've been watching too many soap operas.


Okay re-reading she may be pregnant but I seriously doubt it's by Drew. For one she went to "comfort" Ella and she also said that Drew is the "the one" she just thinks Ella has to get Jason out of her system.


Stephanie, I wasn't being serious on my post. She could be pregnant but I'm sure it's not by Drew.


I don't think she's pregnant but I can't wait to find out.


Duhh I said it would give Nick doubts if she went back to Jason...I meant Drew. Sheesh I was thinking faster than I was typing apparently. :P