Whatever Wednesday - I got nothing

It's been such an exciting past couple of months, and now everything's died down, and I have nothing to talk about, other than I can't believe it's already the 13th of January. January is about 1/2 over, and that just kills me. Didn't it just start? Wasn't it yesterday that we were opening up Christmas presents? What happened? Where did the time go?

Cayden has gotten so big, even since Christmas. I used to look at him when he was a baby and wonder what he would look like as a toddler. Sunday, we walked in to meet my Mom for her birthday lunch - she had kept him overnight - and I saw. At some point someone took my chubby little baby, and replaced him with this skinner, taller, older version.

I know I've written about this before, but people keep asking me which I like better, the baby or the toddler, and I can't really say. They both had their downsides, both have their upsides. I miss being able to set Cayden somewhere and know he'd still be there when I came back (now it's nearly impossible to take a picture of him, he's just a blur on the camera)I miss being able to hold him for as long as I wanted too, now he's a squiggly little worm. But I don't miss the constant up in the middle of the nights (though, we're still up in the middle of the night now, but less.) I don't miss all the baby gear we had to lug all over the place.

As far as him as a toddler... Well. He's everywhere. He's into everything. He's starting to throw temper tantrums. And he's a daredevil, the other day he stood up in the cart. Daddy didn't catch him in time, and he slipped and fell, banging his lip on the cart. Of course, it was me who got bled all over, and then later, because he was so upset, he also added vomit to that mix. I calmly freaked, asking for a paper towel, water, and a call to the pedi to see if we needed to take him in for stitches. He's fine, a fat lip, but is already onto his next stunt. I don't really love that, and I think I'm more exhausted now, after chasing him around all day, then I was when he was a newborn and getting up all night. But then he does something he couldn't do when he was a newborn, like reach up and gives me a kiss on the cheek, all his own, and suddenly, it's worth it. Or calls me Mama and reaches for me. Or the calm of the storm comes in and he'll lay on the couch with me and his Daddy and I really feel as if we're a family. And the things he learns how to do are just so amazing... Even simple things. He's STARTING to say yes, it's not consistent but still, so funny to hear (he says Yesh) He says boo, which is also hilarious. The other night while Jeremy was watching the football game, the Cardinals won and Jeremy let out a "whoo-hoo!" to which Cayden echoed with his own "whoo-hoo!" Even a "Hi Dayder!" to the dog makes me smile.

I don't know anymore about having another baby. I mean, we do want one eventually, but I'm still just not sure anymore on the timing. It's tough, I don't really want to wait another year. I don't want Cayden to be any further apart in age then he already is. I think 2 years is good, and had my body been able to handle it, I probably would have liked less (my brother and sister aren't even a full year apart. I'm a little over a year younger than my brother. We're all really close, and I wanted that for Cayden. It's like built in friends.) But now... I dunno. I'm trying to lose weight, which I don't think I could realistically do while pregnant, and my dream is to look pregnant while I'm pregnant (it's funny, isn't it? I want to look lose weight so I can look fat!) And then there's my friends wedding in September, and if I were to get pregnant this month (which, we haven't really been trying this month. Tired from the gym) or next month, I'd be REALLY pregnant at her wedding, and I dunno. But again, there's the fact that I also don't really want to wait anymore. I dunno. I think we may just go back to not actively trying, and then start really trying again after the wedding. Who knows? I don't.

I really think that's all that's going on. I'd like to update you guys on my weight loss, but we switched gyms, and we can only find one scale at my new gym (or at least, one scale I'm allowed to use. They have one in the men's locker room, I obviously can't go in there to use it.) is out of order. I checked Thursday I think it was, and I was down 5 lbs, but I haven't checked since. So. I have no idea. So far, though, I've been doing alright.

How's everyone else?

Oh, and I'm going to look into posting my paypal on this page. Please, don't feel like you HAVE to give anything, I just know a few people asked, and while I enjoy doing this, I won't turn away any tips (especially since my birthday is at the end of the month! Same day as Justin Timberlakes!)

And, since it's been awhile since I shared any pictures... Here's a few of Cayden:







The first two are from Christmas. He's sitting on the couch in his Christmas PJ's. If you look, you can see the bruise on his forehead from where he fell Christmas Eve Eve. We were at Border's books, and I was letting him walk to the car. He fell and kinda rolled back, whacking his head on the pavement. He got a nice little egg from that. The last few pictures were taken last night, but I'm not sure if you can see the fat part from where he bit it, it was on the inside.


Cayden looks like such a happy little boy, I always have to smile when I se his picutres ;)


Ooh, Cayden is sooo adorable with those little bottom teeth poking out! Teeheehee!!!

About the weight loss, maybe it's a good thing you haven't been able to weigh yourself. It's gonna be that much more rewarding after a longer time of working out.


He's just precious...Sigh, I remember blogging when my son was three or four years old about how his fingers weren't quite so chubby anymore, and he had knuckles instead of little dimples where knuckles should be. Each little stop along the way to growing up is so agonizing for Mommies.


I feel you about the pregnancy thing. Though I haven't been trying. It has just kinda been well if it happens it happens. But now when I probably already am pregnant. I am having my doubts. We have some trips planned for the summer and a trip for next month. Not too worried about weight just about being uncomfortable and not enjoying myself. SO now I am just kinda hoping it hasn't happened and start protecting myself against pregnancy and try again around august. Don't get me wrong if I am I will be happy but waiting is just as good. So hope all works out for you.


Aw, thanks guys, I made him myself :-) So I'm pretty proud ;-)

And Babsie- I totally get that! My friends and family look at me so weird when I'm like, he's legs are so much longer and skinnier... Like it's the tiny things that get you, like you said with the knuckles instead of dimples. And the other day he was leaning up against the couch with his back to it... It was such a cool pose, such an older kid pose that I swear he turned from a baby to a teenager in an instant and it scared me so badly, lol. Does that make sense?


And Layla, I totally understand. We've only done the deed once this month (is that TMI?) so I highly doubt that I am pregnant. Like you, if I do turn out to be (I mean, it does only take one time, after all) I'll be SUPER excited, but if I'm not, I might just hold off... I just don't want to be a blimp at the wedding and too tired to dance, not be able to get my nails done because of the fumes, not be able to drink... I mean all of those are selfish things, and again, if I am already pregnant I'll willingly give them up... But if not...


Those are my exact reasons. I think that they are selfish too. But then again life is short you know I am only going to be young for so long. I most likely am pregnant. I am 3 days late and all the signs are there. It always happens that way too. when you want it you have to work hard and when you don't poof! like magic, you don't even have to try!


Cayden is adorable!! Some days I really miss my kids at his age...everything is so amazing to them. :) It's completely normal to go back and forth when you are planning for a baby. When I was pregnant with my 3rd one that was it, we were done. Then we started getting the baby clothes back out and looking through them and ooohing and aaahing and it was my husband that said 'Are we SURE we don't want one more?'. We decided to wait and see how we felt when he graduated from school. He graduated in June, we got pregnant with the twins in August. ;) If we waited til there was a 'right' time we wouldn't have had any of our kids ha!

As for not weighing yourself, trust me it's a good thing. I'm obsessive about weighing myself to the point my husband threatened to hide my scales. I would get so bummed out if I gained even a half a pound, it was crazy! This last week, for the first time EVER I fought the urge and didn't weigh myself for a whole week and I lost 3.5 pounds! I'm an emotional eater so the only explanation I can come up with is when I would be disappointed in any weight gain I would think 'Ahh eff it, I may as well eat this huge ass piece of cake now'. Hang in there...sounds like you're doing great!!