FB: And I'm not sorry that it's over But for the way we let it end

Jacob stood there, his nostrils flared, anger written all over his face.

“You’re doing what she did,” he seethed. “You’re asking me to choose and that isn’t fair.”

“First of all, Jacob, she isn’t here anymore. I can’t ask you to choose, she isn’t here. Second of all? Quit it with this ‘it’s not fair’ shit. Life isn’t fair. You’re right, it’s not fair Michelle killed herself. But it’s also not fair that I’ve been dealing with this since we officially got together. It’s not fair that I have to deal with it, especially considering I didn’t MAKE her kill herself. It’s also not fair that I’m still hearing about how she made you choose, because SHE did that, not me. It’s not fair that YOU’RE the one who cheated on ME, and yet you’re standing here trying to tell me that I have no right to be angry, it’s not your fault, because something bad happened to you. Get over it Jacob. Life just isn’t fair.” I turned to leave the room.

“Where are you going?” He yelled.

“I’m going to call Jason. He’s going to pick me up and take me back to the airport, where I will do my best to find a flight home tonight. You aren’t even willing to listen, let alone try, and I’ve wasted too much time already.” I said, reaching for my phone.

“Oh. Yeah. Classic Ella. Freaking classing.” His laugh was both sarcastic, bitter, and a little evil.

“What are you talking about?” I asked, searching through my contacts for Jason’s number.

“You always run to him! Always! And here you go again, running back to him, letting him save the day.” He ran his hands through his hair, matting the gel that was in it. “You got so angry when I did that with Michelle, and here you are, doing it to me.”

“It’s not like that, and you know it Jacob. I didn’t hang all over Jason, and I certainly didn’t use him as an excuse to cheat on you.”

“You’re using him as an excuse right now, a place to run instead of facing our issues.”

“I’m not the one who doesn’t want to face our issues, Jacob. YOU are. Jesus!” I yelled, throwing my phone on the chair where it bounced off and slid across the floor. “Stop making this about ME and just own up to your own mistakes!”

“Then why are you threatening to leave?” He asked, his voice cracking. “I’ve had enough of people leaving me! You, my Dad, Michelle…”

I watched Jacob fall apart on the chair. I hate to admit this, but part of me was a little disgusted. I know it was stereotypical, but I hated to see guys cry. It was OK if they had a reason, or if it was just a few tears rolling down their face… But in this situation? Jacob was a sobbing mess. He was pathetic, and not in a way that made me feel the least bit sorry for him. If anything, it made me resent him more. I felt like he was trying to make me feel bad for him. I didn’t want to feel sorry for him.

“I’m leaving Jacob. I am. Because you’re making me want to leave. You didn’t make Michelle leave, or your Dad leave, they made those choices, poor choices, which I bet they later came to regret. But I can’t stay, not with you acting like this, because that’s something I’ll later regret.”

“Tell me how to fix it!” He yelled through angry sobs.

“I don’t know, Jacob. I really just don’t know if it can be fixed.”

I surprised myself by saying that. I didn’t really know for sure that it was over until now, until those words spilled out of my mouth. As bad as it sounded, I think it was the crying that did it for me. He seemed so defeated, and in that I really saw that he had already given up, was unwilling to try. He was so lost in his own sadness, and he didn’t seem at all willing to try to break out of it.

“Whatever. Just go then. It’s not like I need you.” He said, laughing that bitter, evil laugh again and wiping his face roughly with his.

I picked up my phone from where it had landed, and went outside. I called Jason, and he picked up immediately, as if he was just sitting by the phone, waiting for my call.

“How’s it going?” He asked.

Now it was my turn to laugh through tears. Just because I was the one who called it over doesn’t mean that I wasn’t sad about it. I felt like Jacob and I had had so much potential, and it all went down the tubes so quickly.

“That good, huh?” He said, his voice dropping low.

“I gotta get out of here. You come get me?”

“Sure. What are your plans?” He asked.

“I’m gonna go home. I have work to do. This was just a big waste of time.”

“Ella…” He trailed off. Then sighed. “Look, I’ll be there in five. We’ll figure this out.”

Jason pulled up a few minutes later. Either he hadn’t gotten far, or he had broken some speed limits. I had braved going back inside long enough to grab my bag, Jacob had been nowhere in sight. He had either gone out the backdoor, or was holed up in the bedroom, I didn’t bother to look.

I was laying out front, on the concrete warmed by the sun, with my head resting on my bag. I was exhausted, a combination of jet lag and stress. He parked the car and stood over me, casting a long shadow over me.

“Tired?” He asked.

“I don’t think tired begins to cover it.” I complained. “I just want to go home.”

“No can do.” He said, sticking his hands in his pockets.

“Jason, don’t. I tried with Jacob, I really did. And I really am sad about this. But he’s stuck in a hole of self pity that he dug himself, and he doesn’t want to try to get out of it. I can’t do anything with that, and really, I’m just done trying.” I sighed. “I just need a break. I’m under a lot of stress at work, and now this… I need to go home. Spend whatever’s left of the weekend on me, recharging.”

“My thoughts exactly Ella. You’re already here. It’s going to cost you more money to change in your ticket for one tonight. So, just stay the weekend.”

“I don’t want to stay the weekend with him.” I said, exasperated. Jason just didn’t get it.

He smiled. “I’m not saying with him. I’m saying with me. C’mon.” He said, reaching his hands down to help pull me up. “You can sleep in the car.”

“Where are we going?” I asked, confused.

“You’ll see.” He said, a small smile playing on his lips.

I wanted to go home, but I was honestly just so tired, and sick of fighting as well, that I climbed into the car. I was curious as well. Jason was pretty good at surprising me, and I always wondered what he had up his sleeve. I tried to stay awake, to see where we were going, but my eyelids kept getting heavier and heavier, and the moving car didn’t help matters either. With Jason’s warm palm resting in mine, I drifted off to sleep.

I awoke when the car stopped, and I felt much better. Rubbing my eyes, I tried to gauge where we were. We were in front of another large hotel, and it was dark out now. I heard roaring sounds in the distance, and the air was salty and fresh.
“Are we near the ocean?” I asked, confused. Twentynine palms was in the middle of the desert. A lot of people thought I was lucky, jet-setting off to California from Ohio. But really, twentynine palms wasn’t much of a vacation spot. It was hot, dry… Not the California most people pictured.

“Long Beach. You said you needed to relax. I know it’s only for a full day, but… I thought you could use a getaway.”

“How long have I been asleep for?” I asked, stretching.

“About three hours.”
“Jason… You didn’t have to do this… I mean, that’s a lot of driving and…”

“And what? You needed a break.” He said, smiling at me. “The hotel’s my treat, OK?”
“Fine, but only if you let me buy dinner.” I replied, my stomach rumbling. I was starving.

“Deal. Let’s get checked in, freshened up, and then you and I can grab some food.”

I had expected to share a hotel room with Jason. I mean we could have gotten a room with two beds, and even if we didn’t, it’s not like we haven’t slept in the same bed together before. It would have saved him money. I don’t know what I was feeling though, as he asked for two rooms. Part of me was disappointed, and another part, impressed that he was showing that much respect and restraint.

I was glad now, that I had opted to bring some nicer looking clothes. I had almost packed junk clothes, expecting to either be laying around in a hotel room feeling sorry for myself, or laying around in a hotel room trying to work out my problems with Jacob. At the last second, I had thrown in some nicer sundresses. Still casual, but better looking than what I had packed, plain old tees and jeans.

I entered my room, after calling to Jason that he could head over in about ten. I knew I didn’t have enough time to shower, but I still rushed, changing into one of the sundresses and applying some makeup. I was just putting the finishing touches on my hair when Jason knocked.

I couldn’t explain the butterflies in my stomach, or how the weekend had gone from such a horrible one to a promising one in a couple of hours, but I liked it.


Aw, man, I can see why she keeps going back to Jason...
I feel so bad for Jacob, but it's true that if you're set on being miserable, then nothing anyone says or does will get you out of it. I do think Ella was a bit bitchy with the crying thing, though...


Big Shout out to Long Beach!!! Love it. Mention them going out to a club on pine or hitting belmont shores for the beach or kayaking and you will be my bff.


Definitely didn't go the way I hoped, but I'm excited to see how they spend their time. mum


I can't say I blame Ella for her decision to leave. While I can understand Jacob grieving over Michelle, he has gone about things all wrong. Jacob and Ella never really stood a chance to grow together and develop a healthy relationship.


Fenhu- I know the crying thing IS a bit bitchy, but it's also my pet peeve. I HATE it when guys cry. I KNOW it's horrible, especially since I like to consider myself pretty open about all things. But, when I see a guy crying, I just want to shake him and be like "BE A MAN! MEN DON'T CRY!" Again, horrible I know. I try to keep it in check, but still. It's like a secret pet peeve.

Anon- I can do those things :-) I've actually never been to Long Beach, SO I was going to do some research to see what Jason and Ella should do, and you just gave me some good ideas :-)


Kudos to Ella for not letting Jacob guilt her into continuing an unhappy relationship.


Laura, loved your response!! Hahahaha!


Personally, I've got no problem with a man crying (like Ella) but not blubbering and whining like a child. Yuck.

Like Fenhu said, I can also see why she goes back to Jason. Sometimes I really like the guy.


What I love about you mentioning long beach is it is the perfect place for a marine to go to relax. Because most people would say why not redondo beach or manhatten after all it is just about 20 minutes away but they are pricey beach cities. Long Beach is a beach city lots of fun but still within a resonable price. and on a soldiers salary jason can't have that much money.


Ahh yes! Finally some good old Jason love.

Great way to start a Friday! <33


Not what I expected at all. I feel bad for Jacob but wallowing around in self pity wasn't going to solve anything. And yes sometimes we see a glimpse of the good Jason, but those are few and far between.


I think Jacob is hitting those stages of depression. Sometimes that comes on when something traumatic happens. I feel bad for the guy. I think everyone is expecting him to move on so quickly but thats not how it works.
That was his best friend. He needs some counseling. But he was right when he said Ella keeps going back to Jason. In some ways thy were in that same situation. I wonderwhat would be Ella's reaction if it was Jason that killed himself. I honestly think she would be worse because she was in love with Jason.
It ook her basically 10 years to let go of Jason if my maths correct.


I feel bad for Jacob too, I think he's having some kind of nervous breakdown and needs some professional help. Ella did the right thing to walk away, I wouldn't have been able to, because I'm a sucker when a guy cries. Yes it's unmanly and I guess that's why it gets to me. Jason does have some good points, but his bad outweighs his good by a long shot.


I HATE when a guy cries!Now like Laura, and Ella, I can stand a few stray tears-but men sobbing? Can't even handle my husband doing that! I am dying for Monday's post to see what happens with Drew!


I don't think ella is asking him to get over it quickly. I think she wants to see some effort at least. I think she wants him to give himself a chance to feel the pain and not numb himself to the incident cause all it does is keep him in the same spot he was in when he first found out she killed herself. I think she did the right thing by walking away because it was self preservation at that point. she couldn't hang on to his pain without any indication he was working on moving on because if she did she wouldn't be able to move on herself.

Another thing is I think jacob is really probably more upset with ella then he wants to admit. subconsciously by ignoring all ella's urging and help to move on it is his chance to choose michelle instead of ella. which is probably what he wishes he would have done in the first place.


Anon 10:13- I think Angie explained it well. I don't think Ella is asking Jacob to get over it by tomorrow. But it's the fact that he's not dealing with it at all. He's going out and getting black out drunk. I think she's be OK with him being sad, but like Angie said, he's not allowing himself to really feel anything, he's drinking to numb himself.

And, as cruel as it may sound, with alcoholics and drug addicts, walking away is pretty much the ONLY thing you can do. The three c's for families/friends of an addict are: You didn't cause it, you can't cure it, and you can't control it. An alcoholic/addict has to decide for themselves to go into rehab. You can't force them, and since being around them just tears you down, the only thing to really do is walk away.

Some may argue that Jacob isn't an alcoholic, and maybe he isn't, at least yet. But, the same really rings true for someone who is depressed. You can't MAKE them happy - they have to decide that they WANT to be happy, and they have to put in the work to BE happy.

I don't think Ella's asking Jacob not to be sad. She's just asking him not to ignore the issues at hand.


Yeah, I have to respond again. See, Jacob was wanting Ella to feel sorry for him, just like some of the posters do. It's simply emotional manipulation. Don't get me wrong: I feel for the anguish he's going through. But, in this entire entry, there's not a single place where he acknowledges his bad behavior and apologizes. I say good for Ella for refusing to be manipulated by him.